KK4ECR Section Manager
Scott Roberts (KK4ECR) earned his amateur radio license in 2011 (upgraded to Amateur Extra in 2013) to fulfill his desire to give back to the community. Soon after receiving his license, he joined the Clay County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (Clay ARES) where he actively supports many events. Scott’s passion for emergency communication led to his appointment as Assistant Emergency Coordinator for Clay County and Public Information Officer for the North Florida Section of ARES. Scott served as the ARES liaison and net control operator at the Clay (FL) emergency operations center county during hurricanes including Hermine, Matthew, and Irma. Scott has built strategic relationships with many public officials and media outlets in Clay County and will continue to do so throughout northern Florida as section manager.
Below is Scott’s contact information:
Scott Roberts, KK4ECR
[email protected]
904-759-7812 – Cell
904-602-9576 – Shack
5481 – HamShack Hotline