Thursday, October 3, 2024


The Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES) consists of licensed amateurs who have voluntarily registered their qualifications and equipment, with their local ARES leadership, for communications duty in the public service when disaster strikes.

Our Mission

A primary responsibility of the Amateur Radio Service is the performance of public service communications for the general public, particularly in times of emergency when normal communications are not available. To that end, the Northern Florida Amateur Radio Emergency Service members, under the oversight of the American Radio Relay League, will equip themselves and train to provide communications as a direct service to the general public through government and relief agencies of the State of Florida, and Federal Agencies when requested by those agencies.

For more information on ARES or how to get connected with an ARES team in the Northern Florida Section, contact our Section Emergency Coordinator Arc Thames – W4CPD.



Florida ARES Request Procedures Guide

Florida Tri-Section ARES Training Task Book

FEMA ICS Fillable Forms

The Incident Command System (ICS) is a standardized approach to incident management which…

  • Enables a coordinated response among various agencies.
  • Sets a universal system for planning and managing resources.
  • Allows for the integration of facilities, equipment, personnel, and communications operating within a standard organizational structure.

Forms required to use are…

  • ICS-205 Incident Radio Communications Plan – The served agency or SEC will provide you with an ICS-205. Have blank copies to make changes if needed.
  • ICS-213 General Message – All formal traffic must be in an ICS-213.
  • ICS-213RR Resource Request Message – sometimes required by agencies.
  • ICS-214 Activity Log – ICS-214 is not for everyday tasks. It is to record details of notable activities. Activities described may include significant occurrences or events such as task assignments, task completions, injuries, difficulties encountered, etc. This form should be with the operator.
  • Form-309 Communications Log – This is a standard station log and should be kept with the station and not the operator unless shutting down.

You can find the FEMA forms at

Integrating ICS-213 into an ARRL Radiogram – ICS-213_Message_Training.