
RRI Releasing New Numbered Texts

The RRI Emergency Communications Committee has released new “Numbered Radiogram Texts.” Called “Radio Relay Codes,” or “RRC Numbered Radiogram Texts.” This new version is designed to be more responsive to the requests of the local EmComm community while retaining the commonly used routine texts of the former “ARL Numbered Radiogram Texts.”

The list is not official yet. They have a two month public comment period during which traffic operators and ARES volunteers can offer input. In doing so, please keep in mind that it is impractical to have a code for every possible communications situation. Therefore, they have limited it to 99 codes designed to harmonize with the RRI National Emergency Communications Response Guidelines, the requirements of served agencies and our EmComm partners, and, of course, the needs of the traffic handling community..

Additional discussion explaining the process and a link to the document may be found here:

The list will become official on October 1, 2022.

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