
ARRL SET October 3rd 2020

The ARRL Simulated Emergency Test (SET) is October 3 & 4, 2020. The Northern Florida Section will participate on Saturday, October 3rd in the event, and we invite all counties and individuals wanting to join the exercises. Below you can find the first version of the ExPlan and IAP. On Thursday, the final document will be released with the updated 205A & Weather conditions for Saturday.

All EC’s and AEC’s

The section will have the monthly zoom meeting on Thursday, October 1, at 6 pm CDT/7 pm EDT. Please contact me for the link and information.

Please, anyone, contact me if you have any questions.

Karl Martin K4HBN
ARES Amateur Radio Emergency Service
Section Emergency Coordinator
North Florida Section
[email protected]
[email protected]

Exercise Plan

ARRL 2020 SET ExPlan 10-2-20

Incident Action Plan

ARRL October SET 2020 IAP 10-3-20

Exercise Plan & Incident Action Plan

ARRL October SET 2020 ExPlan IAP 10-3-20

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